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  • Writer's pictureThomas Morgan

Week 14: "The Man"

I was working at my Starbucks and while being a barista, you meet a lot of people. There are plenty of stories to tell and many unique individuals to admire. The same goes vice-versa, there are many unique individuals to criticize. Whether I am blending a Frappuccino or steaming the milk for a latte, there is almost a customer to connect with. They may all not be willing to converse or indulge in what I have to say; nonetheless, it’s a good gig to meet people. By the end of my shift, my apron is tainted with whip-cream stains, milk carton drops, refresher juice splatters, and matcha powder residue (just to name a few). You can tell how busy my store was based on how clean my apron looked.

Unless you asked, what you can’t tell is how good my day was. Starbucks emphasizes customer connection and as an extrovert, I really enjoy this part of the job. Not always, but most. Even if we are jam paced busy and my green apron with the Starbucks siren logo in the middle, is painted with food and drinks; there is always that one customer that makes the day go by faster. One customer that comes to mind was an older man who would fit the stereotype of a “hippie.” He was dressed with clothing pieces that didn’t match each other’s patterns or colors, his hair was messy, he had a big hat tourist might wear, and above all, he was filled with glee. All he wanted was some drip coffee and water so he was also easy to satisfy. During his time in the store, we were able to be engaged with one another’s conversation. I didn’t have to be attentive to the specifics of his drink, as there wasn’t anything too special. My mind was less busy and it occupied itself with this engaged customer. I wished I remembered his name, but I remember what he talked about. He was excited to start the day, was open about how grateful he was for today, and how he plans on retiring soon to receive his social security money. Based on what I learned in financial algebra that year, America is seeing such a rise in people over the years that it won’t have any money to support them all in a few more years. The social security budget now will dry up very shortly. I told the man this news and he was offended and sympathetic for me. The man didn’t see my statement as a modest reflection of what I learned in class; instead, he saw it as a plea for help or a sign of hopelessness.

As he was leaving he exclaimed “I PROMISE MAN, WE’LL GET YOU YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY. YOU’LL GET YOUR MONEY. ILL PROMISE WE’LL GIVE IT TO YOU, DONT GIVE UP.” Perhaps, talking to customers about economic studies that I have acquired through my education might not be the best way to receive customer connection. Nonetheless, I’ll never forget his positive energy and sympathy that he had for me. I know when customers respond to my questions, it seems more of an unspoken rule to escape the silence in the room as I do a favor for them. The man that day was an exception as he genuinely seemed concerned and thrilled about his day and my future. God bless him and America.

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